Home > 1.5 ton electric chain hoists > 1.5 ton electric chain hoists stop operation constitutes a necessary condition
1.5 ton electric chain hoists stop operation constitutes a necessary condition
2014-01-20 by xiugai
In many cases, chain hoist operation is not stopped , then it will lead to adverse consequences , and even kills . At this point, we have to when you need to stop the operation of the Electric Chain Hoist is expected to make a detailed and effective . Electric chain hoist stop operation constitutes a necessary condition 1.5 ton electric chain hoists can be divided into several points , but you can clear that these two elements will have a great impact on the normal operation of electric chain hoist . We should pay attention to the following aspects need to stop the chain hoist operation , first of all I want to know that someone is hanging on floating objects or have items , then please stop operation ; If workplace dark , unable to see the sites , command signals and could not see was hanging items, then please stop operation ; bundled hanging strong or imbalance may slide , please stop operation ; overloading or weight of the object is unclear, pull straight unclear buried objects , and stayed oblique hanging phenomenon, then please stop operation ; If the structure or components affecting safety defect or injury, such as brake failure safety device , hook nut locking device is damaged , rope damage to be scrapped , they must stop the operation. In these special cases, stop the operation of electric chain hoist is a virtue , it makes us live in harmony , to avoid accidental injury . In short , no rules no standards , perhaps we only ordained stop operation of these hard conditions , will allow us to use electric chain hoist with complete normalization of behavior
   keywords:    1.5 ton electric chain hoists